
7:45am: Log On to Zoom for DEC Credits

8:00am: Welcome and Sponsor Information

8:05am: How to Use the NEWA-Supported Strawberry Disease Model

Dr. Kerik Cox, Cornell

Dr. Cox will introduce the NEWA strawberry disease model and then lead attendees through an interactive exercise using a real life scenario of disease onset and management.

8:30am: Using the Berry Diagnostic Tool to Best Advantage: A Strawberry Case Study

Dr. Marvin Pritts, Cornell

Dr. Pritts will introduce the recently updated web based Berry Diagnostic tool and then walk through several common disease and insect related pest issues where management could be improved by using the tool early in the process. 


9:00am: Choosing the Most Effective Fungicide for Your Strawberry Crop

Dr. Kerik Cox, Cornell

Choosing the correct and most effective product to manage crops is a challenging venture. Dr. Cox will describe the product differences revealed in recent field trials.

9:30am: Adjourn

Kerik Cox

My program specializes in applied plant pathology, mycology, and community/stakeholder education. The program's mission is to provide a better understanding of the relationships between life history features of fungal plant pathogens of fruit crops and applied disease management practices. Understanding the impacts that management practices have on aspects of pathogen life history such as survival, inoculum production, community structure, and propensity for resistance development will, in turn, allow for the sustainability and refinement of such practices to better manage disease.

Marvin Pritts

Marvin Pritts obtained a B.S. in Biology from Bucknell University in 1978, a M.S. in Biology from the University of South Carolina in 1980, and a Ph.D. in horticulture at Michigan State University working with wild species of blueberries. Marvin came to Cornell in 1984 as the berry crop specialist with an appointment in extension, research and teaching. He works primarily with production, season extension, and pest management systems in strawberries and raspberries, and has consulted with berry farmers throughout the world. His recent emphasis has been on protected production systems.

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